Friday 11 July 2014

Painting, a Christmas quilt and young families

Here we are and husband is still up a ladder....we tried the blue paint around the cornice but it was too bright, so now we are going for grey....then the paint wouldn't stick..... but we triumphed in papering the ceiling using husband and ladder and me with a clean mop providing the support act for the paper from ground level.... and that's the best way I can describe the morning!

All this reminded me that I have other responsibilities with houses. There is another house which I own and it is sadly neglected. In fact it is in a state of ruin and needs extensive repair, updating and redecoration! For a long time it has been situated in an undesirable and isolated location ( the attic). A 1950's detached villa, it would suit a family who can see it's potential...

1950's detached villa in need of a new roof


Over the next week I am going to supervise repairs and decorate and it's going to be such fun! I can't wait to choose the wall paper and the ceiling will be easy to paint too!

In the sewing room, I have started a Christmas quilt for Alex who is three years old. Here are the four corner star blocks:

Green Star Quilts Christmas star blocks

Here are the log cabin blocks for the bottom of the quilt:

Green Star Quilts Christmas Log Cabin blocks

In the middle there will be Santa on his sleigh and snowmen, also parcels, holly and stockings. I will show you as the other blocks are finished and then put together over the next two weeks.

In the garden and on the river bank, families are growing and babies are leaving home. We found this little chap under the apple tree yesterday.

Baby hedgehog in a Lincoln garden
I thought he would like a raspberry as I have seen them eating fallen fruit before, but he wasn't keen and much preferred sausage meat, a few worms and hard boiled egg which he wolfed down with a little clicking noise from his tiny teeth, then a drink of water and when I looked again he was gone, off on his travels around the compost heap. 

On my cycle into town along the river, here were the cygnets, all grey and fluffy, getting bigger and so sweet to see.... incredibly untidy about their pulled out downy feathers like teenagers who don't put their dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

Cygnets and mum on The Witham river bank


The Mallard duck locals look deeply unimpressed! In our Bay tree this morning, five wrens were all shouting 'Peep' in very fierce tones as I got too near, so I think we have a nest there too.

I expect your gardens are full of new families too, so have a lovely week wildlife watching too,
Kind regards,

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Painting, jumpers and a tea party

This week I have been catching up on the piles of unfinished things in the sewing room and having a big tidy up at home generally. So far I have painted one window and the twirly bit at the bottom of the stairs which has suffered many a stiletto heel during a wedding, a christening, lots of parties and me dropping nail polish remover on the paint.... I am persuading husband to the top step of the ladder to paint the ceiling and the turquoise cornice which will become the blue of the cupboard. I am a bit faint hearted about the top of the ladder and our ceilings are very high!

When not wobbling at the top of the ladder I have been reusing woolly jumpers whose elbows Have Gone, as my mother would say.... and now the  they are all joined together into a lovely cosy woolly quilt which will be an essential in our drafty house during winter evenings and, if I'm honest, these quilts are jolly nice during the day and at lunch time too!

Woolly jumper quilt by Green Star Quilts
For this quilt I used five jumpers and backed it with lilac coloured fleece from Kay's stall on the market. You can see her stall here. I took it for a walk around the garden ....

I quilted it with a wiggly stitch to hold the thicker seams flat and the edges are bound with floral brushed cotton form an old dress.

In Colleen's garden her blackbirds are in a tizzy about the cats and here they fuss all day long about the owls. We have two fluffy babies snoozing in the sun at the top of the willow tree...

and parents who are fed up with their hungry squeaks during the day when they should be asleep like good babies... parents of all young children will understand! Sometimes they hide in an effort to catch up on sleep...

Thinking outside the box!
This afternoon we saw one parent catch a field mouse in the flowerbed amid a huge noise from the small birds roundabout. I have never seen one hunt in the day before, but the babies are big now and flapping and hopping and need lots of food.

In Lincoln we have a new bookshop:

Lindum Books in the Bailgate Lincoln
I am delighted to find they are stocking Persephone books which are my passion. These are books written between 1900 and about 1940, mostly by women and published by a Persephone Books in London. You can visit their excellent and really lovely website here

The books are all printed with pale grey covers and have lovely end papers of old textile designs, and, best of all, they come with a matching bookmark....

I have a little collection starting...

and this is where the snuggly woolly quilt meets my new Persephone book...

and maybe one of these too...

The kind ladies of Lindum Books are hosting a tea party at the White Hart Hotel in the Bailgate in August. Jo and I can't wait to meet more Persephone readers and tuck into more of the above! We are so lucky to have this event instead of travelling to London to the shop in Russell Square, so thank you Sasha and Gill.

The Bailgate, Lincoln
 If you would like to know how to make a jumper quilt, just let me know and I will come up with a tutorial for those of you who might be worried about the using of knitted fabric,

I hope you have enjoyed the virtual tea party with a good book and your week goes well,
Kind regards,

Thursday 19 June 2014

Quilting and packing

This will be a short blog because I am just back from visiting daughter in Rome, the most amazing city and full of Roman quilting designs, which they clearly had to make in marble mosaics as they had no one inch squared paper....

Mosaic section in Rome
For some of you, the sight of oranges on a tree will be an everyday thing, but for me it was a marvel. The orange crushing fruit juicer in the hotel had me riveted to my seat, just watching the lady throwing in oranges by the handful and produce jugs of delicious juice at the bottom was amazing....

Oranges trees in Rome
And the food.... and the ice cream..... well, my waist is not any smaller as a result of this trip!

Restaurant tents on the Tiber by night
Arriving back , it was time to post the 50th wedding anniversary quilt to Stephanie in time for the party for her parents at the Ritz Hotel in London... here is the finished quilt:

Stephanie's quilt by Green Star Quilts

Colchester castle

Now I am off to the south for daughter's birthday and a little light babysitting whilst cocktails are partaken with her sister, hopefully in very pretty dresses if the sun comes out at the weekend. Other parents are struggling to care for their families in our garden and yesterday there was a baby blackbird as big as it's mother, in the climbing hydrangea outside the sewing room window... no flight feathers, a big attitude and no manners, yelling and squawking for more worms NOW! 

I hope you like the new banner for the blog. It took me all day to make it. I followed instructions from at least three very kind people who had put those instructions on the web for techno beginners like me. It is not perfect but better than the first one where the ribbon was not straight and the cotton reels wobbled off on their own agenda.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and a chance to go on holiday too,
Kind regards,

Saturday 7 June 2014

Vintage trucks and a retro quilt

This week has been such a rush. It has rained nearly every day except yesterday when Jo and I took ourselves off for a day of arty indulgence at the Patchings Art and Craft Fair at Calverton.You can see the pictures here..... So many lovely things to look at and all the new pencils, paints and sketchbooks we could possibly desire to buy. A picnic under a shady tree, a long gossip together over locally made ice creams, a one off chance to wear a summer dress and our hearts were full! 

Also I have been finishing the retro transport quilt for Toby, which will be given to him by Pam. Here it is and I have called in some of husband's much loved collection of trucks and cars for the photo shoot....

Toby's quilt by Green Star Quilts

and of course we have to roll it up to show off the colours....

and then roll it the other way....

and I couldn't leave out the Fisher Price now retro camper van and the little people....

recycled Victorian shelf from the garage 

I have also been getting on with the 50th wedding anniversary quilt for Stephanie to give her parents. This is it so far and now it is ready to be layered and quilted...

This is a happy memory quilt with lots of the things on it that the family treasures. Stephanie has asked me to reproduce the patterns from her family quilts made by her American grandmother.These are two of the blocks ready to be hand stitched together...

I love the tulip block and the simple shapes which are pinned down with those tiny applique pins which I have only just discovered but I'm sure everyone else has known about for ages...

I have used t shirt transfer paper to get the California University crest onto fabric and design a wreath of Californian poppies to go around it...

Here is the Scottish thistle block with a Celtic knot, I really enjoyed working out the in and out sewing on this, I used that oh so useful iron on bias tape to make the knot and was amazed that it worked! 

How has your week been? Have you finished projects too? It  feels the best moment when the person who has commissioned the quilt unrolls the parcel and sees how their ideas have translated into fabric. 

Do you make quilts as gifts or commissions? If you have time in your busy week, pour a coffee, pick up a chocolate biscuit and take a minute to tell me about what you are making... 

I hope you have a sunny weekend, a weedless garden, trouble free seams and an iron without Bondaweb glued to the plate surface like me,
Kind regards,

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Patchwork hints,helpful things and favourite books

My on line business Green Star Quilts is seven years old this year. It doesn't seem that long since I left my career job as a community nurse for local children in Lincoln and set off into the world of the professional quilt maker. Some of you may remember the quilts I made to hang on the public health notice boards at work, fabric stored so much better than paper leaflets... so there was the Even Chickens Get Blue one to illustrate Post Natal Depression... sorry, not a great photo....

 the A Sparkler Gets As Hot As An Oven one to remind parents about the dangers of fireworks on bonfire night.... with leaflets about firework safety....

 and the Christmas home safety one with the rejoiner not to leave candles near cotton wool beards.... the labels around the edge all had fire safety advice on them....

A favourite with the children was the Save Your Families Life With a Smoke Detector, which was made with the traditional the house block. I had so much fun making those quilts! The fire safety advice  balloons were supplied by firemen in yellow braces who came to deliver them at the surgery, a nice surprise for all the staff!

So Green Star Quilts was started and I wanted to share with you some of the things which have helped me along the way. I have amazed myself at my passion for the right tissue paper and cardboard boxes for packaging, my detailed knowledge of the Royal Mail postal charges , keeping accounts, tax returns and the list goes on... Advice was that I should start with a business plan, but I started with this book...

Professional Machine Quilting by Carol A. Thelen
Although I don't have a long arm quilter system I found this book so inspirational about how to run a business. Carol gives loads of great advice about customer care, order forms, time saving and organising your day, things that could be applied to any business and so generous and helpful, so thank you Carol !

The next book was this one, very battered now, it has been through a leak in the sewing room roof, the pages stuck together with damp and carefully prised apart, it is my book to turn to for star patterns.. I think it is out of print now, so it is greatly treasured...

The Block Book by Judy Martin
A life saving find was temporary spray fabric glue, so no sign of nips or tucks, ruckles or wrinkles for me! Along with quilters' safety pins this has saved me hours of unpicking... 

505 spray fabric glue
A good selection of sharp scissors, big , small and tiny and one pair of little forceps with blunt ends for poking out corners without a sharp point going through the fabric and making a hole... yes I've done that too!

Free Motion Quilting by Angela Walters and roll of drafting paper
 The best present ever was  a huge roll of dress maker's drafting paper, printed in inch squares. This was given to my by a friend who had moved into a house which used to belong to an elderly dress designer in London and the paper roll was found in a cupboard. There is enough paper for me to draft designs and patterns for ever and until I can no longer hold a pencil and sew a straight seam. This roll of paper is the bed rock of Green Star Quilts and I am so grateful for my luck in being given this.

Sunday Morning Quilts by Amanda Jean Nyberg and Cheryl Arkinson

This is my favourite book for using up scrapes from the sewing room. Amanda is so generous on her blog ( click on the word blog to visit her) and hosts a link up for lots of other bloggers too. I hope you enjoy her blog as much as I do. She has endless good ideas for using up scraps of fabric too precious to part with. Talking of scraps, I wanted to show you a quick way to join wadding pieces. Wadding is one of the biggest expenses in my business and I save every scrap and join bits together to keep costs down. Here is how to do it and I know you can buy special tape, but that's expensive too....

So, set your machine to the wiggly line stitch and set the stitch length to about 3.5. Cut the edges of the wadding straight with a rotary cutter. Holding the edges together but not overlapping, machine down the joining line so that the stitch swings from the edge of one piece to the other:

 Below you can see the stitching wiggling from one piece to the other. It doesn't need to be really firm, just held together like tacking. Your quilting will keep it all together when you stitch through your quilt sandwich. I normally use white or cream cheap thread, but have used red here so you can see clearly.

Lastly I must thank husband, a man of many skills who transformed my sewing room one summer into a warm and lovely place to work with a swing of his ladder and a swipe of his paint brush....

and made it into this:

Green Star Quilts sewing room

Have a lovely weekend, it is freezing here today, I am back in vests and socks after a few days of sandals and summer skirts, I hope you found the tips helpful,

Kind regards,
