I just have to admit that I have no time for the blog at the moment. I love writing the blog, loading the photos, reading your comments, it is lovely to see the quilt progress here in the sewing room and post about it on line. But I have to take a break at the moment as there is so much to do. My gorgeous girl is getting married in nine days time. There will be a wedding in the country and a party in the garden here later. There will be homemade caterering and cake making, there will be heartfelt speeches and tears of happiness too. There will be a new and fine young man in our family and lots of things to look forward to.
But now there are quilts to make, a bridesmaid dress to finish, ribbons to sew on a wedding dress and lots of lists to be ticked off. Oh so many lists.....
So here are pictures of the quilts I have made recently, please keep looking to see when I am back, some time in September I hope....
Twenty first birthday quilt |
A twenty first birthday quilt made for a special celebration day, the colours are pale lilacs and creams and the design shows the things that she loves the most...
a quilt for Liz |
This quilt was made for Liz, who needed to be wrapped up in it so much.
Here is a detail of the front :
A quilt for Liz |
And the back:
backing fabric |
This is a quilt which will be a present for a new baby, we are just waiting to know the name which will be added to the bottom of the quilt:
And finally here is the wedding present quilt for Lena who has done so much cooking for the wedding ....
Lena's quilt |
Here is a close up:
Lena's quilt by Green Star Quilts |
and the whole quilt.....
Lena's quilt by Green Star Quilts |
I will be back in September and I hope you all have a lovely summer. Thank you for reading my blog,
Very best wishes,