Friday, 6 December 2019

Blue Tumblers Quilt

This was a quilt I had been thinking about for a while and at last I have had time to make it. I am so pleased with the colours, there are lots of  bright modern fabrics in this design and they tumble across the quilt , it makes you feel happy and rather summery just looking at it!

Blue Tumblers Quilt by Green Star Quilts
The backing fabric is an Aztec design and all the fabrics and wadding used are 100% cotton. 

Blue Tumblers Quilt by Green Star Quilts

Blue Tumblers Quilt by Green Star Quilts
Can you see the turtle and the skiing cat? There are lots of little Russian dolls too and the odd toucan.... Here is the whole quilt:

Blue Tumblers Quilt by Green Star Quilts
If you fancy becoming the new owner, you can see the details on the Buy Now page of my website. Just click on the link. 

Also I have been making a little cot quilt for Kate to give her friend. The baby is due in the middle of the month, what a great present for Christmas!

Farmyard Cot Quilt by Green Star Quilts
The backing fabric is a gentle soft grey colour with tiny yellow fireflies:

Farmyard Cot Quilt by Green Star Quilts
I very much enjoy making these little quilts, each one is different although the theme is always the same.

That's all for this week. At the moment we have the Christmas market on here in Lincoln. It is a huge event and 30,000 visitors come so the city is pretty busy. Lots of my friends are taking stalls so if you are nearby do go along, even just to get the wonderful scent of cinnamon, chestnuts and mulled wine!

Thanks for calling in to see me,
Kind regards,

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