This month I have made a larger than single bed size memory quilt for Lauren. Her children's clothes were such happy colours, sun, sand and seaside holidays kind of colours and they made a lovely modern style quilt which I was really pleased with, it is amazing how the colours all complimented each other and came together so well! I think we need a few of sunshine reminders at the moment. I keep thinking 'Nearly there,very nearly there ', as I draw the curtains at 4.30 pm, so early in the afternoon and nearly at the shortest day and then positive thinking all the way to Spring and hooray, new flowers in the garden and buds on the trees and sun, that lovely, delicate and so welcome spring sunshine!
memory quilt by Green Star Quilts |
memory quilt by Green Star Quilts |
There's something about memory quilts which makes me feel so close to the families I make them for, it is such a personal thing to send someone your baby clothes to cut up.The trust they have that I will make something lovely from them is a huge compliment and I take it really seriously.
memory quilt by Green Star Quilts |
I really enjoyed doing the swiggly quilting ( this is a very serious quilting term) too !!
memory quilt by Green Star Quilts |
I have just finished a second smaller quilt for Lauren too, made from leftover little pieces of fabric and some that didn't fit in the first quilt.
memory quilt by Green Star Quilts |
And tarahh, at last I have got the hang of machined binding and those tricky folded corners, even with a scrap pieced strip.... after I realised it is important not to get a seam on the corner..... impressive eh?
I have just sent off to the USA a quilt for Karen and will show pictures of it next time. This photo is a little corner...The parcel hasn't arrived with her yet so I don't want to spoil her surprise!
Happy quilting on these dark winter days, keep eating chocolate and don't over do the Christmas shopping,
Kind regards,
What a beautiful quilt - full of light and the promise of spring!
It's a beautiful quilt. It will definitely be treasured.
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