Tuesday, 9 June 2015

A quilt for Glasgow

This week I am making a cot quilt for a very special teacher. She works at a school in Glasgow and has just had baby Harry. Her pupils and their parents have commissioned this quilt which is to be given as a big surprise.... I think she must be a very special and much loved teacher... They all put together a wish list of things to shown on the quilt including the local park and museum, Kelvingrove Art Gallery. They also want lots of children, the boxer dog Jax, bicycles, ducks and a swan.  Here is the first block....

Star block by Green Star Quilts
and the Log  Cabin block to go with it...

Log Cabin Block by Green Star Quilts
Here are the blocks on my design wall which is made from a flannel sheet and so helpful when looking at colours from a distance. 

Blocks by Green Star Quilts
Over the day the gaps are filled in as appliques are added. I use yards of  Bondaweb over the year with these quilts.

Blocks by Green Star Quilts
Blocks by Green Star Quilts
At the end of the day, this is what the quilt looks like. The blocks are not yet sewn together and the picture shapes will be stitched down soon. The flowers are a tribute to Charles Rennie Macintosh who lived and painted in Glasgow.

Here is the Kelvingrove Park block with the shapes stuck on but not stitched down.

Kelvingrove Park by Green Star Quilts
I hope to finish this quilt over the week and post pictures on Friday. It helps me to have a goal for the week, although so many other things clamour to do done. At this time of the year I am usually a garden slave.... I'm sure my grave stone will have the words  'The bind weed got her in the end' and my muscles ache despite year long Pilates and large capsules of cod liver oil!

But at the end of the garden husband and his two friends (can you see their red hats?)  are hard at work..... building my heart's desire.....

husband and gnomes
I am so excited! Today the windows have gone in and the floor is nearly done. I wish they could be persuaded to do some gardening too, but they just stand there smiling...

gnomes in the garden
Ohhh I think I may have to make some bunting for the front....! I may need a party for the grand opening too!

I hope you have helpful gnomes in your garden this week and lots of time to do your quilting too,
Kind regards


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