It is Friday and I must review what I have done this week. Lovely Amanda Jean, my all time favourite quilter has Finish Up Fridays on her blog and kindly provides a link up too. Every week she has something wonderful to show for her time, quilts finished, bags made and everything beautifully photographed. Here the list is not so good..... I have painted three hall doors twice each, Finished Up the box of ice cream cones with toffee flavoured ice cream in the garden ( a very important achievement), and painted a chair. Here is the chair.... and yes,sadly the ironing is Not Finished as you can see in the background...
chair, ready for painting |
and in undercoat.... ironing moved but still not done, washing up cropped out of the photo....
undercoated chair |
and in the afternoon, husband away, so not able to tut at me not waiting 16 hours as it says on the can for ultimate drying time of paint....
chair painted with eggshell paint |
It is not quite dry yet, so there is still the Ta Dah Cushion Moment to come.... and I can't wait to move it into the hall where it will look jolly against my new decorating. In the meantime it is in the middle of the kitchen and preventing all cooking... and look at all those legs in the background just asking to be painted too, but that's another day!
Monday was a sad day for Pam as Bella, her Cairn Terrier came to the end of her days. She was last of three great little dogs and I have walked the South Common many times with Pam and her trio, well, Bella and Ralph walked with us and Molly gallivanted off regularly on a rabbit hunt. To remember our lovely walks, I made a little picture for Pam, in the style of Janet Bolton, you can see her work here. I love making these small presents for friends, although I will never achieve the beauty of Janet's textile art and if you ever get the chance to go to one of her workshops you will never regret it.
A windy day walk by Green Star Quilts |
I have also ventured into the world of pin board making. Kate has asked me to make a starry, padded memo board, so after a lot of consulting the web, I made the star blocks and set to with a stapler. The biggest problem was when the staples ran out in the gun and I had to look on U Tube to see how to fill it...
Here is the finished board and I must say I am rather pleased with the look as it is the first I've ever made:
Padded memo board by Green Star Quilts |
The last finish will be to make ratatouille from the many courgettes in the fridge, the vegetable garden is in overdrive now...
Courgettes and ingredients for Ratatouille |
I hope you have had a chance for ice cream in the garden and your courgettes are as bountiful as mine...
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