Sunday, 12 August 2012

Birds and bees

This year many gardeners have found the growing season has not gone well. In my garden potatoes have vanished and sweetpeas are covered in greenfly. But there have been some successes and they make me very happy. I grow many plants to encourage bees and now the borage (a bit of a thug) and  the nasturtiums (which have covered the onions), are visited by lots of bees and yesterday, the first peacock butterfly. Best of all are the sunflowers which I have grown to show our grand daughter. Tall and sturdy the wonderful big heads have a visiting bee most of the day. The hedgehog babies have been seen near the compost heap and beside the swing seat so they are getting adventurous. Everyday I walk beneath the willow tree and look up. Almost always there will be two big eyes looking down at me and sometimes four, as our baby owls snooze in the sun and wait for take away food to be delivered at dusk by mum. So some things are a big success!

Quilt made for Joss

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