Wednesday, 25 January 2012


This the time of year when resolutions should be made. So I have resolved to throw away the bathroom scales. And my resolution has been successful.  Now I no longer see them lurking in the bathroom, daring me to stand on them when I know they will make me miserable most of the time. So they have gone. Lovely Grandpa gave me a Christmas cheque and I have spent it on a keep fit machine. Rowing, jogging, weights you may ask? Well this one is for use in the fresh air and comes with a lovely basket. And it is for Ladies. It is a Ladies Bicycle and I can wear skirts if I wish. I intend to spend lots of time sailing along, gripping the lovely leather clad handlebars and balancing elegantly on the leather sprung seat...which is also for Ladies.... With flowers and library books in the basket and the sun shining, it will be perfect. Now I need to practice doing that clever way of twizzling your legs as you jump on and off..............

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